Friday, December 27, 2013


We finally have the winner ready. Member Jasmine Spotter won for her special idea, a zippy chain bracelet but with halloween colors and a silver pumpkin charm. Here is a pic of her entry:
We will be announcing a new contest sometime this week. The contest section in the November newsletter had the winner announced already, and a step by step tutorial written by Jasmine. Sign up for the newsletter by becoming a member, and joining this site.
Later loomlovers

Thursday, November 21, 2013

check out our new blog, coming soon

Hey everyone that loves furbies!!!!! check out our new blog at it's about my 2012 furby fifi and her adventures!!!! And coming soon, fifi meets our (coming in late December near christmas) 2013 furby boom!!!! check it out if you like furbies, or are planning to get one.
 later loomlovers

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

the contest ended

thanks to everyone who submitted to our contest, and we are in the process of picking out winners, they'll be announced next week.
thx 4 entering!

new youtube tutorials coming soon

Special Announcement: and I are teaming up and have a new YouTube channel! you may have seen our slideshow on it telling about this blog. In the future, I will be posting tutorial videos on YouTube under, and, you can send your questions and video tutorial ideas to 2, or to, both are checked.
we will begin this sometime this month, hopefully by thanksgiving. Just wanted to let u know, so plz check it out.

Monday, October 28, 2013

newsletter coming soon

We are now announcing the start of the irainbowloom newsletter! all members that sign up with their email get the newsletter emailed directly to them. Since its our first issue, (for October it's a little late, I know, but its still a few days till November) it will also be posted under the FREE membership tab so you know what to expect when you sign up. The October newsletter will be out by trick-or-treat night, so please check back then.
thanks, and plz subscribe/join this site for even more,

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Bracelet contest

Enter the Halloween bracelet contest!
submit fun bracelet patterns, designs and any ideas for Halloween, to get your idea posted on the home page, and after the winner is chosen, they'll receive a mystery prize. The mystery prize is only available for Members though, so sign up for a free membership for a chance to win the prize. to enter, check the instructions under "submit your own." Runner-ups will also get a smaller prize.

contest ends October 31st. Enter now!
[only original ideas have a chance to win]


Idea: Pumpkin charms
Remember your picture!
name:________Elizabeth Smith_________

special Halloween bracelet ideas

Here are some great looming ideas for Halloween.

Glow In The Dark Bracelet

you will need:
1.Glow in the dark loom bands (GITD= glow in the dark)
2.Rainbow Loom (pegboard) [only if intermediate or expert level]
4. C or S clip
Instructions [single loop]
1. watch the single loop instruction video below.
2. Make the bracelet like it says but replace the orange and white rubber bands with GITD green, and the red and light green with GITD pink.
3. put the c or s clip on one end.
4. pull the bracelet from the loom and attach the other end into the clip.
5. put in natural light or by a lamp in the day to make it glow in the night!
single loop instruction video:

Instructions for bracelets other than single loop:
1. pick a bracelet type.
2. watch the tutorial for that type on the tutorials tab.
3. do what you normally, but using your pink and green glow in the dark rubber bands instead of normal ones.
4. close it with a c or s clip.




Spooky Halloween colorful bracelet
you will need:,black and white rubber bands.
2.Rainbow Loom
3. Hook
4.C or S clip


directions [single-loop] the single loop instruction video [above]
2.replace the green  in the video with black.
3. forget the green one talks about.
4. make the bracelet like shown above using your colors of orange,black and white. [or any combination of these.]
5. close it with your clip
6.Enjoy :)
directions: [any other pattern]
1. watch the tutorial for that bracelet on the tutorials tab.
2. replace the colors shown with black,orange and white[or just 2 of them at least]
3. Make it
4. close it with your clip

5. ENJOY!!!
finished bracelet

Friday, October 25, 2013


here are some helpful YouTube video links with tutorials... we will be adding our own soon, but until then, this is what we got.
they are all rated as beginner,intermediate and expert levels.

Note- all these are made using the Rainbow Loom, (clear peg board)

Single Loop



Rainbow Ladder


hexafish with 1 kit


              triple single rainbow